Art and Spirituality

Introducing: A Prelude to Autumn 

“The true use of art is, first, to cultivate the artist’s own spiritual nature.” (George Inness)

Although DaVinci is known for his extraordinary work, few people know that he was also a deeply spiritual person who sought to understand the nature of the divine through his work and science. His most famous work, the Mona Lisa, has a dreamlike quality, as if the woman is more than just a physical presence. 

And where does Easter and spirituality come in?  

A painting that showcases DaVinci’s profound spirituality is The Last Supper, which depicts Jesus and his 12 disciples commemorating the holiday of Passover.  Throughout history Christians have also celebrated this momentous occasion on Easter.  

 In his notebooks DaVinci wrote extensively about his spiritual beliefs: the universe is connected as One, the human body is a microcosm of the universe and understanding the human body is essential to understanding the nature of existence and grasping the laws of the natural world is essential to understanding the divine.  DaVinci certainly used his art to “cultivate his own spiritual nature”.  As for myself, I strive to create work that reflects my higher Self, my true nature, my passions and the poetry between the lines.  It is a lifetime’s occupation, for which I am deeply grateful: there is no end to the search and the jewels found along the way are well worth the travails, the laughter and the tears.

A Prelude to Autumn
Oils – 36″ x 24″ 

In this painting I wanted to explore the variety of shapes and how to compose them on the canvas in a way that was bold and balanced.  The boldness is seen in the sizes and contrasting colors.  Lately I’ve been drawn to pinks and yellows and here they are having a ball.  As was I!  Although I often prefer slightly unbalanced compositions, here the balance is one of the attractions.  I confess that I did not seek it out; it sought me out.  And since I liked the results, I left the painting alone.  I hope you like it, too.  A Prelude to Autumn will be framed and is currently available.  Feel free to contact me with any inquiry you may have.