New Year Resolutions

Although I am not great with numbers, I love Physics.  Mostly Theoretical Physics.  I like to know and understand how the Universe works.  I am totally convinced (I may be wrong), that one can understand God’s mind (if humanly possible) or perhaps even find It through Physics. I am also fascinated by Quantum Physics: it teaches us about the smallest elements of the Cosmos and their Intelligence. 

Physics teaches me that time, as we know it on planet Earth, is a human creation.  The separation of past, present and future lives in our imagination and memory but does not really reflect True Reality. Books dealing with the paths of souls teach us that past, present and future are a continuum, i.e., there is no separation among them and they exist at the same time.

A New Year is a calendar date that we created, an illusion that time can be divided in segments.  But even in this illusory time frame, resolutions are a continuum: we pick up old ones, modify for the present, forget about them (again) and put them in the past and one day they resurface and become present, and on and on.  This will happen if the subject or goal of a resolution does not come to fruition.  If and once it is, it can be stored in our treasure chest as an accomplishment, a victory, a gain. We then file it away and it enriches our “past”.

Most people will claim that, illusory or not, we do live within a man-made time framework and there is a time to sow and a time to harvest. Indeed, this is our Earth-Reality. But listening within is timeless and that’s where one finds guidance as to how and when to create goals and resolutions. And not by looking at a calendar.

My most important goal (not a resolution) is to grow as a person and as an artist.  This growth encompasses many layers, multiple levels of soul and spirit.  It can be the true expression of my Self in my Art, acquiring a skill, being of service.  I work on these continuously,  regardless of a calendar.  Growing as a person is at the level of Soul, where past, present and future mingle and interact organically so here, too, a calendar is not needed.  Same applies to becoming a better artist: it’s constant, with only my inner guidance and much faith pointing at the zenith.

How do you approach your New Year’s resolutions? Are they a noose around your neck or a bright light pulling you forward? Are they tightly attached to a calendar or are they fluent and flexible, as your soul? Which approach would make you happier? Please leave your comments below, I’d love to hear from you.